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AromaTouch Technique (ATT) is a clinical approach to applying essential oils.  ATT is not a regular full body massage, It is a 45 minute to 1 hour treatment. The essential oils applied along energy lines and reflexology points stimulates homeostasis and balance the body.

ATT helps to improve well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors, supports health autonomic function, stimulates the body's energy lines, centers/balances your body system and its function. In addition, this treatment can also help to stimulate the emotional center of your brain creating a sense of well-being. ATT is effective for helping to treat individuals of any age. 

  • ​​​​ATT Initial Session - $72.95
  • ATT Single Session - $95

Aromatouch Technique


ATT is a combination of 8 essential oils from DoTerra blend, peppermint, lavender, aromatouch, tea tree, wild orange, deep blue, balance and on guard. These blends creates a sense of grounding, calming, relaxing.

ATT oils possesses a number of applications including anti-fungal, anti-bacterial cleansing, immune system support, anti-microbial and anti-viral from some. 

ATT oils are small in molecular size that when applied can work quickly on your autonomic nervous system and reflexology.​​